North East North Carolina
Your Bee Problem:
These are some of our members who will help you with bee removal and swarm retrieval.
Denise D (252) 722-3118 Located in Kitty Hawk
Gary M (757) 331-0593 Located in Southern Shores
Grandy Bees (252) 564-8697 Located in Grandy
Outer Banks Gold (919) 801-6624 Located in Southern Shores
Bee Removal and Swarm Retrieval
We’re passionate about bees and committed to safe, humane, and effective solutions for relocating bees. Whether you’ve spotted a swarm in your yard or have a bee colony in an unexpected place, we’re here to help.Bees are essential to our environment as pollinators and help keep ecosystems healthy. Instead of exterminating these vital creatures, our beekeepers safely and responsibly relocate them to a secure place where they can continue to thrive.
"Our treasure lies in the beehive of our knowledge. We are perpetually on the way thither, being by nature winged insects and honey gatherers of the mind"
- Friedrich Nietzsche